2018. június 12., kedd

American Dream -- Ended

~ As I look back on my life, I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.

Normally every story has its own ending so mine deserves one, too.

It feels strange writing in English because it's been almost a year since I last used it in a more complex way than just using it in an office environment where most of sentences are ' Please note, please be informed or please find it attached'.

I believe ya'll know I was about to fly to the US last June to spend some time, 3 weeks to be more specific, with W in Texas.

Well..I last minute changed my mind.
Of course making this decision was not as an easy one but I feel like I made the best decision of my life when I decided to end things with W. I really needed to rethink this whole ldr thing and whether it was worth wasting my time on him or not.

I also fell in love with someone else and fell out of love with W.

When I broke up with him, W told me I emotionally abused him but in fact I was abused as well. There was no trust and I believe I was just clinging to the idea of having a foreign boyfriend and moving to a different country.

As I look back on my relationship with him I realize we didn't really have anything in common. I was trying to be an adult whereas he was still acting like a 5 year old.
After I came back from the US in September, 2016 we had a huge issue that I won't write about but it was an emotionally very tiring period with lots of anger and blocking by him. He was dealing with our issue using the mindset of a 5 year old and it was easier to block me and talk bad about me behind my back and manipulating a lot of people than manning up and handling the situation as an adult.

I was so stupid I wish I could slap myself in the face with a shovel. I was still crying for him and begging him to come back. Which he eventually in December did. Needless to say our relationship got worse due to the lack of trust. I was constantly feeling paranoid he would cheat on me again.
I was wearing pink glasses again and was talking about how we are planning to get married soon and all the paperwork that is ahead of us. In reality he was so s t u p i d  we couldn't even hold a normal adult-like conversation.

So when I started talking to my now husband I felt so refreshed. We could talk about topics that I was interested in and we could hold a conversation for hours  :-) I totally fell in love with him. I already knew him from my intern time at my workplace but back then I kinda didn't like him, I thought he hated me.
So after we were talking for a while I asked him if he wanted to go and give blood with me. He said yes. However, he caught a cold and couldn't give blood he still came with me. On the way back to the office I asked him if he hated me :D LOL, I guess this question caught him off guard but he said he didn't hate me. We were talking in the office but he had to leave early to catch his flight to Barcelona. When he came back I couldn't wait to talk to him again. This went for a few more weeks and my departure was coming up soon. I already knew I wasn't gonna fly to the US I was just waiting for him to make a move. 12th June we were the last ones to leave the office at 6pm, ofc he took me home :-))
The next day he ate lunch later and when I went to the kitchen he came up to me asked me if I'm free that afternoon. We went for a walk and talked a lot. When I got home I told my dad there is no need to take me to the airport the following week :D He was in the living room with my brother and I couldn't decide who had the most surprised face :D
The following day we went for another walk and he kissed me :-)

Long story short, I fell in love with him and broke up with W. I lost the money I invested in the flight ticket but oh well. It happened almost a year ago and I'm already married, happy and in 6 weeks our first child will be born. <3

2017. május 6., szombat

When life gives you lemon..life update after almost 2 years. Part II.

So let's continue our journey :-)

In the morning of 20th June I boarded my flight to Frankfurt in Budapest airport. The flight was not that bad and I was so excited to get through security and all that fun stuff. Thankfully I know Frankfurt airport pretty well so I knew what to expect. I got to my gate on time and actually I still had like 1 hour till boarding. I was desperate to find a plug to charge my phone and I actually managed to so I could inform my mom I made it to Germany. I was a little worried about my flight to Houston because let's be real..12 hours on a plane up in the air is not that fun at all. Even if they offer a bunch of movies to watch. I think I watched 3 movies and tried to sleep a little as well. Since it was the European Football Championship I watched Germany and another country's match.

Food was good and many people would freak out but I actually love airplane food :D So many people are grossed out by this kinda food being so plastic but I love it. Oh well, I don't get to eat this kinda food everyday. :-P

When I landed in Houston it took me at least 20 mins to get off the plane, you know how people are..everybody wants to get off the plane as soon as possible. :-) When I finally got out of the plane I headed to the restroom immediately. I had to pee so bad and what I like to do after peeing is cleaning myself up a little and washing my teeth, my face and putting on extra deodorant. You have to smell nice you know :-)

I did an automatic pre-check it was something I never done before and I believe this automated system is for those who had been to the US previously and their fingerprints are in the system but I might be wrong. Even after this we had to join the line. They opened up a few lines but I still had to wait about 30 mins or not more. When I got to the security officer I was a little scared. It was my first time travelling without a visa so I had some fears. I believe it took about 15 mins and I was let in. I was so happy. I just had to find my baggage and then head out to meet Walker.

He wasn't there because he got lost in the parking lot :D what a surprise..:D It's so him. When he got there I spotted him immediately but he didn't notice me :D When he walked past me  I decided I would stop playing this game so I just walked up to him and said hello and I managed to scare him so bad he even jumped :D :D After our little reunion we headed to the car and left the airport area to stop by Sonic :-) My first meal in the US was fast food, jeez.

Our next stop was Waco, This is where Walker lived at that time. It took us 3 hours to get home since we were way into rush hour when we left the airport. I even took a nap in the car before we got home.
When we got back we were so tired we just took a shower and went to sleep immediately. We still had like 86 days ahead of us. Normally I would say 86 days in paradise but it was hell  thanks to the enormous cockroach invasion in our apartment :D

But I don't want to write about everything in one day so the rest of the story comes later 
Some photos:

to be continued...

When life gives you lemon..life update after almost 2 years. Part I.

So here I'm again, back to writing my precious blog. 

It's been almost 2 years since I wrote and so many things have happened I don't even know where to start. Maybe we should pick up from when I last wrote.

I just rechecked my last blog post and I was writing about a trip to Texas in January 2016. Well, that trip got delayed but let's just don't jump to that part.

So after I got back from the USA I knew I had to find a job to be able to save up money for a flight ticket. As I was still a student I tried getting a job through one of those agencies that offer jobs for students. I wanted to get me an office job where I live it's not easy to find and due to my useless major at university I always faced some kind of "discrimination". I ended up applying for a night time receptionist job. Yes, night time...I had to write a test that I think I failed miserably. Well, I ended up getting this job but while I was waiting I also went to another interview which was an office job. I ended up not getting the job but since I was still a student they offered me an internship. In the meantime I was already working at the hotel and I was really struggling. Thankfully I had to work there only for a month. It was only one week that was like I worked from Monday-Thursday in the office and then on Friday (it was a national holiday) night at the hotel plus Saturday night. Oh and I think I worked Thursday night too since I remember I worked 3 nights in a row.  This is how my hotel nightmare ended. 

I loved working at the office and I learnt a lot of new things. I also made some friends there. It was kinda hard, but eventually my trip that was planned for January got delayed. 
Walker and I were still dating but we hit a rocky patch in December and almost ended things between us but we are such fighters we got through it. And he got a flight ticket :-) He came to visit me in February 2016. His journey with United Airlines was not smooth at all with an emergency landing in Shannon, Ireland. After 2 days on the 'road' finally he made it to Budapest a little after 10pm. 

We had so many adventures from biking around Lake Balaton with my uncle and aunt to exploring castle remains with my family. We said bye to each other on 30th April. It was so weird coming home and not having him around anymore. My room was empty and no was waiting for me at the gates of my workplace. We were lucky since we had to spend only 1.5 months separately since the company didn't need me for the summer and actually my future there was questionable. My then-supervisor wanted to hire me but she didn't know the numbers yet so my future there was not sure at all. I wanted to stay at least for 2 season but when I left for the US in June 2016 I didn't know if I would have a job when I get back or not. I will write about my journey in my next post until then here are some photos of us:

to be continued...

2015. március 30., hétfő



Azt hiszem eljött az ideje hogy elkezdjem újra a blogot hiszen megkezdődik a visszaszámlálás...:-)
1,5 hónap múlva ismét gépre szállok és immár harmadszorra (és valószínűleg utoljára) célba veszem Arkansas-t :-) Nagyon izgatott vagyok, és nagyon várom már. Hálás vagyok azért is mert sikerült jól kihozni ezt az egészet...A programdíj 395 dollár volt, szerencsém volt mert a tavalyi fizumból ezt az összeget hazahoztam így lényegében ez ingyen volt, az erkölcsi volt pár ezer forint még...Határozottan tudtam, hogy én csak úgy vagyok hajlandó visszatérni ha magamnak veszem meg a repjegyet. Ehhez persze kellett diákmeló is. Első munkahelyem a veszprémi Rossmann volt, a sétálón napi 6 órában, aztán vettek fel állandómunkatársat így ennek vége lett. Nem keseredtem el, tele voltam pozitivitással aztán 3 nap múlva lett másik meló. Kicsit állandóbb. Októbertől január végégig az Euro Familyben voltam árufeltöltő. Nem egy álommeló viszont a heti 3-4 nap mindig megvolt, decemberben a 6 is, plusz köszönhetek neki egy barátot is az életemben, meg ugye a repjegyem arának a 90%-át. Persze közben költöttem is a fizumból így a végén kellett kérnem anyuéktól, szerencsém volt mert februárban 223,000 forintért sikerült jegyet találni CL Szilvi segítségével. Ja egyébként közben a szülinapom után nem sokkal szakítottunk Walkerrel, nem részletezném, ostoba szegény inkább csak ennyit mondok és most nem az utálat beszél belőlem. Így utólag örülök is, hiszem elvagyok az új barátomat, 3 hónap alatt annyi inger ért, pozitív persze mint az elmúlt 5 év alatt soha.
Naszóval....május 20án indulok útnak, 6:35kor száll fel a gépen :-) Kicsit be voltam szarva hogy egyedül utazok, de ma kiderült hogy Andi is velem jön :-) Az útvonal Frankfurt-Houston-Little Rock, just like last year. Kíváncsi vagyok mennyire leszek lelkes a bloggal kapcsolatban, tavaly elég jó voltam, sok bejegyzés született :-)
A vízum is megvan, az miatt kicsit paráztam, 3 tárgyam volt abból 2 sikerült, de végül nem volt semmi probléma belőle. A néni csak annyit kérdezett hogy mikor végzek amire csak annyit válaszoltam, hogy hopefully this December...:D

Legközelebb majd szerintem már csak májusban írok, de most nem bírtam ki hogy ne vezessek be ...<3 

2014. október 26., vasárnap


Nyárzárós-búcsúzkodós-siratós-szép emlékeket felidézős... táboros zene: